"Studmentor" Program by the NGO "Teach for Ukraine": We Invite You to Join

19 september 2024 year

Students of 3rd to 6th years, there is a great opportunity to help schoolchildren from frontline regions, support them, and show that learning can be fun and exciting.

The NGO "Teach for Ukraine" is looking for student volunteers to become mentors and provide free lessons in school subjects for students in grades 5 to 11. Participation in the project involves teaching your favorite subject to 1-2 groups of up to 3 children, twice a week, for 45 minutes each.

Throughout the project, you will receive ongoing support from a super-mentor — an experienced teacher — as well as from mentoring experts. Additionally, the project team will provide you with all the necessary materials.

Moreover, participants in the program may receive additional opportunities:

  • A training workshop in the Carpathians;
  • An official certificate from "Teach for Ukraine" and UNICEF;
  • Valuable work experience that will be a significant addition to your resume;
  • A simplified application process for joining the teaching program in small communities by "Teach for Ukraine" and the UPSHIFT program from UNICEF to implement your own social projects.

To participate in the project, register using the provided link.

Learn more about the program via the provided link.

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