Online meeting with Michael Dobson, Professor of Shakespearean Studies, Director of the Shakespeare Institute in Stratford-upon-Avon (UK)
Karazin University hosted an online lecture by Michael Dobson, Professor of Shakespearean Studies and Director of the Shakespeare Institute in Stratford-upon-Avon (UK).
This meeting was the tenth in the university’s lecture series "A Lecture to Victory: World Speakers in Support of Karazin University".
At the beginning of the event, Professor Dobson was greeted by the Dean of the School of Foreign Languages Svitlana Virotchenko. She thanked him for the opportunity to join this unique lecture and for the support, which is extremely important for Karazin University in these difficult times.
Michael Dobson, being at the Shakespeare Institute, arranged a small virtual tour and showed his office, the Guildhall Chapel on Church Street, where Shakespeare studied at high school, and the house that the playwright bought for his family.
The professor described how Stratford annually celebrates William Shakespeare’s birthday. During the lecture, Karazin students also learned about the peculiarities of the Shakespeare Institute, its representatives and the work carried out by this university unit.
At the end of the meeting, Michael Dobson was actively asked questions about the studies of William Shakespeare’s life and work. The professor expressed his hope that he would be able to talk to Karazin University students in person in more detail about the activities of the greatest English playwright during his visit to Karazin University in Kharkiv.