Online Meeting with Guarantors of Educational Programs "Educational Programs: Preparation for Accreditation, Quality Assessment Criteria, Accreditation Procedure"

25 january 2021 year

On January 22, 2021, Karazin University hosted an online meeting with guarantors of educational programs "Educational Programs: Preparation for Accreditation, Quality Assessment Criteria, Accreditation Procedure".

During the event, the Vice-President Anton Panteleimonov provided general information on the rights and responsibilities of guarantors of educational programs. He noted, in particular, that the guarantor has the right to initiate a revision of the educational program, make decisions on taking into account the requirements and proposals of all persons involved in the educational program when making changes to it, participate in the development of working curricula, internship programs, receive information from the University subdivisions on the implementation of the educational program and its self-assessment, initiate additional surveys that are not provided by current documents, participate in monitoring the quality of work of research and teaching staff involved in the implementation of such educational program, make changes to educational programs regarding personnel, qualification characteristics, etc.

The Vice-President also outlined the responsibilities of the guarantor of the educational program, in particular, regarding the implementation, accreditation of the educational program, stages of the accreditation procedure.

“The main purpose of accreditation is to establish the compliance of the educational program quality and educational activities under this program with the defined criteria. The Accreditation Regulations define ten criteria for evaluating the quality of an educational program, nine of which are for bachelor's and master's programs, and one of them contains a set of requirements for PhD educational and scientific programs. Most criteria, especially those related to the content of educational programs and organization of the educational process, can be met in many different ways. In other words, the guarantor of the educational program must explain why he/she did so and not otherwise, and these justifications form the basis of information about self-assessment of the educational program,” said the Head of the Department of Education Quality Assurance, Liudmyla Ivanenko.

In 2020, 23 educational programs were accredited.

Also within the event, Tetiana Syroid, Head of the Department of International and European Law, School of Law; Nadiia Maksymenko, Head of the Department of Environmental Monitoring and Management of the Education and Research Institute of Ecology; Dean of the School of Philosophy, Professor Ivan Karpenko; Dean of the School of Chemistry, Professor Oleh Kaluhin, considered in detail the most typical comments of experts on each of the criteria.

Text: Valeriia Kharchenko
Photo: Viktoriia Yakymenko
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