Discussion of Nanotechnologies at Karazin University

21 may 2024 year

On Science Day, May 18, Karazin University hosted a series of short popular science lectures for a broad audience dedicated to nanotechnologies, called Nano Talks.

Invited speakers, including students, postgraduate students, and faculty members from the Department of Computer Physics at the Education and Research Institute of Computer Science and Physics and the Department of Theoretical Radiophysics at the Faculty of Radiophysics, Biomedical Electronics, and Computer Systems, discussed modern applications of nanostructures in various fields. These included integrated circuits, remote light collection, biodetection, laser light generation, and solar panels. The lectures were accompanied by interesting questions and lively discussions.

This event was organized by the student chapter of the international societies for optics and photonics, SPIE and Optica "KarazinPhotonics," with support from the U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation (CRDFGlobal) and the European Commission's support program for Ukrainian researchers, the "EURIZON Fellowship Programme for Ukraine."

We thank the participants and organizers for popularizing fascinating scientific topics among the general public and increasing interest in scientific research!

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