The Education and Research Institute "School of Physics and Technology" Agreed on Cooperation with the SPIN-Lab Center for Microscopic Studies on Matter

17 june 2024 year
Science, International activities

Within the framework of a working visit to Katowice, Poland, the director of the Education and Research Institute "School of Physics and Technology" Philip Kuznetsov visited the SPIN-Lab Center for Microscopic Studies on Matter, where he met with the center's director and developer, Dr. Marcin Libera.

Dr. Marcin Libera presented the capabilities of the center, which consolidates the microscopic competencies of the University of Silesia. In the modern building of the center, located on the campus in Chorzów, unique microscopes are housed, such as:

  • Transmission electron microscope adapted for cryogenic research (JEOL, F200);
  • Scanning electron microscope with xenon ion gun (Tescan, AmberX);
  • Scanning electron microscope with EDX, WDX detectors, and Raman spectrometer (Tescan, Clara);
  • Confocal microscope with white laser (Leica, Stellaris 8);
  • X-ray microtomograph (Tescan, UniTOM HR).

The equipment of the center allows for multi-aspect correlation research of matter, including soft matter, facilitating the development of modern materials and nanomaterials used in medicine, pharmaceuticals, aviation, and automotive industries.

During the discussion, the possibility of joint research and access to laboratory equipment for specialists from the Education and Research Institute "School of Physics and Technology" was agreed upon, considering the launch of the related project Plasma-Spin-Energy at the institute. The possibility of internships for the institute's students was also agreed upon.

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