An Unconventional Lecture by the Representative of the Students' Union

21 november 2023 year

Have you ever thought about the history of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University? How does this history connect with the present? And what moments will you never read about in books?

On November 17, the Students' Union Organization held an event where participants found answers to such questions:

  • Why was the university created?
  • What did the university contribute to society?
  • Who is Vasyl Karazin: a hipster, a dreamer, a researcher?

An unconventional lecture was delivered by Victoria Nesterenko, Ph.D. in History and Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Ukrainian Studies at the School of Philosophy.

At the end of the lecture, the participants had a practical session. They took a Kahoot test and received prizes – university merchandise. But can unconventional sessions go without games? After the official part, participants played Alias and atmospherically enjoyed the student evening.

You can also watch the unconventional lecture and delve into new information!

Text: Yulia Baglyk
Photo: Yulia Haydenko
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