Simulation of the European Union Summit within the walls of Karazin University

14 may 2024 year

On May 10th, a summit simulation of the European Union took place at Karazin University aimed at promoting Ukraine's European integration efforts, familiarizing participants with the principles and peculiarities of the EU's functioning, and developing hard and soft skills in diplomacy, politics, economics, journalism, and the art of debate.

The summit was organized by the School of International Economic Relations and Tourism Business and was dedicated to celebrating Europe Day. Within this event, the faculty conducted a diplomatic simulation game for anyone interested in diplomacy and international relations. Moreover, this summit marked the first event within the Karazin Diplomatic Community project.

Approximately 100 individuals participated in the event, including students, 10th and 11th-grade school students, postgraduates, professors, and all interested parties. Each attendee took part in offline sessions of three sections and played a specific role at the summit as a representative of one of the 27 EU member countries.

During the first section, foreign ministers discussed current issues in the development of the EU's foreign policy. Participants focused on matters of security and defense, diplomacy, and external relations with other countries worldwide.

The second section featured a session of government representatives from various countries. Ministers debated issues related to trade, integration, production, energy, and financial and credit policies. The section concluded with the development of recommendations for consideration at the European Council meeting.

The European Council meeting itself took place during the third section with the participation of heads of state. Participants discussed strategic development issues of the EU, reviewed recommendations from the first section sessions, and drafted a final resolution for the summit.

The event was addressed by:

  • University Vice-Rectors Anatoliy Babichev and Boris Samorodov;
  • Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine, Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the Council of Europe, Minister of Foreign Affairs Boris Tarasyuk;
  • Ukrainian MP, Chair of the Permanent Delegation of Ukraine to the PACE, Karazin University alumna Maria Mezentseva;
  • Member of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania, Vice President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Emanuelis Zingeris;
  • Deputy Director of the Department of International Cooperation of the Kharkiv City Council Yulia Zgurska;
  • Acting Dean of the School of International Economic Relations and Touravel Business Tetiana Miroshnychenko.

As noted by the university vice-rectors, Ukraine's only future lies in European integration and a European future. Each such event organized by motivated individuals is a significant step towards our common victory and Ukraine's accession to the European Union. Ambassador Boris Tarasyuk emphasized that it is a great pride to hold such an offline event with the participation of those who live, study, and work in resilient Kharkiv. Kharkiv, which is a symbol of our Ukrainian spirit and defense of our country.

We thank everyone who spent this day with us and showed interest in the topic of diplomatic relations!

Text: Yulia Baglyk
Photo: Oleksii Muradov
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