International Day of Monuments and Sites
Today, the world celebrates the International Day of Monuments and Sites.
The decision to celebrate this date was made by the UNESCO General Assembly in 1983. The main goal of the International Day of Monuments and Sites is to raise public awareness of the diversity of cultural heritage, its vulnerability, and the need for effective efforts to preserve it. On the same day, Ukraine celebrates the Day of Historical and Cultural Monuments, established by a presidential decree in 1999.
The traditions of monument protection at Karazin University were laid down by its founder, Vasyl Karazin. He pointed out the need to study local archaeological monuments, such as mounds and settlements, defended the significant scientific value of such research and assured of his readiness to take an active part in it. The public figure requested allocation of funds for the protection of monuments, noting: "How many treasures for the mind have disappeared and are still disappearing if the necessary measures are not taken!" Today’s realities show that these words have not lost their relevance to this day.
Historical and cultural heritage is a significant resource for the sustainable development of cities and communities. More than 500 cultural monuments in Ukraine have been damaged due to the hostilities. Therefore, in times of war, preserving the historical and cultural heritage for future generations remains an urgent task.
Higher education, which will enable you to work in the field of studying and preserving historical and cultural monuments, can be obtained at the School of History of Karazin University.