International Holocaust Remembrance Day: the university honors

Every year on January 27, the world commemorates the victims of the Holocaust.
At the international level, official commemoration of the victims of the 1933-1945 Holocaust began 60 years after those tragic events. On November 1, 2005, a resolution of the UN General Assembly was adopted, which was co-authored by almost 100 countries.
Ukraine was one of the countries that initiated the signing of this document. The adopted resolution is designed not only to preserve the memory of the innocently tortured people, but also to emphasize the need to educate tolerance and respect for human rights.
On this day in 1945, the troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front entered the Nazi death camp Auschwitz, which has become a symbol of Nazi crimes in the modern world.
During the German occupation during the Second World War, the territory of Ukraine became one of the centers of numerous persecutions based on race, ethnicity, nationality and mass executions of the Jewish population. According to statistics, out of the 6,000,000 Jews who died as a result of the Nazi policy of terror, more than 1,500,000 were our fellow citizens. Employees and students of Karazin University were also victims of this tragedy: more than 20 students and professors were killed just because of their nationality.
Today, together with the whole world, we share the pain of the terrible events of the Holocaust. At the same time, the russian federation is waging a bloody and cynical war on the territory of our country, nullifying the right of Ukrainians to live in their own country. Systematic and massive shelling, atrocities, killings and torture by russians, the narratives of russian propaganda testify to their specific goal - the destruction of Ukrainians as a nation.
But we have learned the lessons of history, we remember the terrible victims of the past and united our efforts to destroy the enemy and stop the terrible genocide of the Ukrainian people.
We respect and remember!