International Mother Earth Day
Today, the world community celebrates International Mother Earth Day.
This date was officially celebrated for the first time on April 22, 2010, at the initiative of the UN General Assembly. However, the history of the holiday began much earlier.
In 1971, one of the US Senators Gaylord Nelson suggested the idea of celebrating an annual Earth Week, because at that time the US celebrated Arbor Day on April 22, and in 2010, the International Mother Earth Day was officially celebrated for the first time. The UN resolution states that the Earth and its ecosystems are our home and they provide life for humanity.
The International Mother Earth Day reminds each of us that the planet and its ecosystems ensure our existence, and provide an opportunity to raise public awareness around the world about the issues that affect the well-being of our planet and all living things it supports.
On this occasion, Ukrainian communities abroad and foreigners from different parts of the world will hold the #StopEcocideUkraine campaign. On April 21–23, residents of all six continents of the planet: Eurasia, North and South America, Africa, Australia, and Ukrainian polar explorers from the Vernadsky Research Base in Antarctica, including Karazin University graduates, will form a human chain of unity to draw attention to the environmental crimes that Russia is committing during its war against Ukraine.