"Interethnic Harmony in Ukraine: History of Formation and Preservation Tools": the Fourth Lecture Within the "Unity Week" Project

26 january 2024 year

On January 25, as part of the "Unity Week" project, the fourth lecture "Interethnic Harmony in Ukraine: History of Formation and Preservation Tools" was held by Associate Professor Anton Melyakov from the School of Law, National Security, and European Integration at the Education-Scientific Institute "Institute of Public Administration."

During the lecture, participants learned about the existence of the strategy of barrier-free access in Ukraine, the presence of social distance towards certain ethnic groups, and the results of the National Rejection Index.

The lecturer provided a list of sources that would broaden participants' understanding of the topic of nationalities and interethnic harmony. These sources included the Razumkov Center, Kyiv International Institute of Sociology, the sociological group "Rating," literature from the Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies named after I.F. Kuras of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

The key question of the lecture was how to determine a person's nationality if it is not indicated in any document. Throughout the lecture, participants reached a consensus that national self-identification is voluntary.

The journey to answers was very interesting! Soon, a recording of Anton Melyakov's lecture will be available on social media, where you can learn a lot of useful information!

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