Roundtable "The Phenomenon of Collaborationism: An Interdisciplinary Approach"

20 may 2024 year

On May 17, a roundtable was held at Karazin University, during which university scholars discussed the issue of collaborationism from various scientific perspectives.

The role of science is to provide answers to current issues. In the context of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the issue of collaborationism has gained new significance. We can counter this phenomenon only by paying attention to it and seeking ways to address it. This is exactly what the university scholars engaged in.

The moderator of the meeting was the university's Vice-Rector, Oleksandr Holovko, who welcomed the participants and highlighted the opportunities available to Karazin researchers: “An interdisciplinary approach allows us to realize the enormous potential of our university, as we cover almost all scientific fields. We can unite and create teams for a comprehensive and thorough examination of any problem.”

Each scholar prepared their reports, which were discussed after their presentations. The program of the event included the following presentations:

  • Denys Zhuravliov, Associate Professor of the Department of Ukrainian History, School of History: "Collaborationism and Attitudes Towards It During the 'Long' 19th Century: The Case of the Crimean War (1853-1856)";
  • Tetyana Kovalenko, Associate Professor of the Department of Modern and Contemporary History, School of History: "Collaborationism in World War II: The Experience of European Countries";
  • Oleksandr Holikov, Professor of the Department of Sociology, School of Sociology: "Civil Collaborationism as a Social Phenomenon: Approaches in Ukrainian Sociology";
  • Andrii Kharchenko, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychological Counseling and Psychotherapy, School of Psychology: "Collaborationism: Psychological and Socio-Psychological Aspects";
  • Andrii Kis, Forensic Medical Expert, Associate Professor of the Department of General and Clinical Pathology, School of Medicine: "Collaborationism in Medical Practice and Formal Medical Ethics";
  • Vadym Kharchenko, Professor of the Department of Criminal Law Disciplines, School of Law: "General Principles of Criminal Liability for Collaborationist Activities";
  • Oleksandr Perederii, Associate Professor of the Department of International and European Law, School of Law: "Signs of Collaborationism in the Activities of Healthcare Workers: Legal Qualification Issues";
  • Svitlana Klimova, Associate Professor of the Department of Law, National Security, and European Integration, Educational and Research Institute "Institute of Public Administration": "Features of Training Managerial Personnel for De-Occupied Territories".

For Karazin University, it is important to offer strategic solutions for the well-being and development of our country. We thank everyone who joins us for these important scientific discussions!

Text: Yulia Baglyk
Photo: Viktoria Yakymenko
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