Conference-contest for students of grades 9–11 of general secondary education institutions "Karazin Colloquium–2023"
On April 21–22, Karazin University held the XXII Conference and Competition "Karazin Colloquium–2023" dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Kharkiv University Lyceum.
The event was organized by representatives of Karazin University, the Department of Education of the Kharkiv City Council, and the Kharkiv University Lyceum.
The scientific forum of students was opened by the director of the Kharkiv University Lyceum Serhiy Diachkov: "Last fall, we decided to hold the traditional Karazin Colloquium despite all the difficulties and trials that Kharkiv residents and all Ukrainian people have faced. Because we firmly knew and believed that everything will be Ukraine."
On behalf of the Karazin University administration, Anton Panteleimonov, Vice-Rector for Research and Teaching and Chairman of the Board of the University Lyceum, greeted the participants and wished them fruitful work and interesting discussions.
At the plenary session, leading specialists and scientists of Karazin University told the participants about the current problems of scientific research at the present stage. Professor of the Department of Ecology and Animal Zoology of the School of Biology Dmytro Shabanov gave a presentation entitled "Biology. Can it make people happier?". The Head of the Department of Historiography, Source Studies and Archeology of the School of History Sergiy Posokhov, in collaboration with a student of the School of History, Mariia Dotsenko, spoke about international congresses of historians and current trends in the development of historical science.
The second stage of the Karazin Colloquium consisted of 9 sections, which were attended by 112 participants from 40 general secondary education institutions of Kharkiv. The results of the Karazin Colloquium can be found on the website of the Kharkiv University Lyceum here.