Prominent scientists from around the world deliver lectures at Karazin University

21 july 2023 year

During the educational practice for fourth-year students of the Educational and Scientific Institute "Physical-Technical Institute," two distinguished speakers delivered lectures. The Executive Director of FuseNet, a European educational network in the field of thermonuclear fusion, Dario Cruz, and the guest lecturer at the institute, Dr. Henri Weisen from the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), a technical university in Switzerland.

During his presentation, Dario Cruz elaborated on the support for academic mobility for students and researchers provided by FuseNet, one of the two professional international associations to which Karazin University has been invited.

Additionally, Dr. Henri Weisen delivered a lecture titled "Thermonuclear Plasma and Research in Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion". He is a well-known figure in the field of thermonuclear research and had previously served as the Deputy Head of the Working Group on "Diagnostics" (2001) and Deputy Head of the Working Group on "Physics and Technologies for ITER" (2015-2020) on the English tokamak JET. His Hirsch index in the Scopus database stands at 39.

During his lecture, Dr. Weisen introduced the students to two concepts for containing high-temperature plasma to achieve thermonuclear raeactions: with the help of tokamaks and stellarators. He also discussed the prospects of collaboration among scientists in this field and extended an invitation for future cooperation.

The lectures provided the students with valuable insights into the field of thermonuclear fusion and plasma research, offering them a unique opportunity to learn from leading experts in the international scientific community.

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