Karazinites on the Frontline: Oleksii Petryaiev

18 july 2024 year

Oleksii Petryaiev is Phd of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Marketing, Management, and Entrepreneurship at the School of Economics. In April 2022, Oleksii decided to join the military. Throughout the war, he served in the Bakhmut and Zaporizhzhia directions.

Currently, Oleksii serves in the Vovchansk direction and holds the position of Head of the Psychological Support and Rehabilitation Group in the battalion. The 247th Separate Battalion of the 127th Separate Territorial Defense Brigade urgently needs vehicles to carry out combat missions. A fundraising campaign is currently underway to repair vehicles!

Goal: 70,000 UAH

Link to the fund: https://send.monobank.ua/jar/6TjEvn9bcn

Bank card number: 5375 4112 2034 0751

Tell us about yourself before the war with russia. What were you doing before this? What was your life like?

Before the war, I worked at Karazin University at the School of Economics. I was an Associate Professor at the Department of Marketing, Management, and Entrepreneurship. I taught subjects related to management: personnel management, management, and entrepreneurship. I was raising two sons. I wrote scientific articles. In general, I did what any ordinary lecturer at one of the best universities in Ukraine does.

What do you do now? What can you tell us about?

Now I hold the position of Head of the Psychological Support and Rehabilitation Group in our battalion. Although I joined the ranks of the Armed Forces as an ordinary soldier. What do I do?

  • I study and analyze the individual psychological characteristics of servicemen and trends in their changes during preparation, restoration of combat capability, and daily activities.
  • I monitor the impact of negative factors on servicemen and provide recommendations to commanders on adjusting the strength and intensity of psychological stress.
  • I organize psychological support for servicemen during combat missions.
  • I organize psychological support activities for the battalion's servicemen during combat coordination events.
  • I organize the provision of psychological assistance.

But I don’t do this alone. I have three officers under my command who help our soldiers in stressful situations.

Where are you currently serving?

I am currently in the Vovchansk direction. Before this, I was in the Zaporizhzhia direction, and before that, in the Bakhmut direction.

When and how did the war start for you?

For me, as for most people in Ukraine, the war began on February 24, 2022, at 4 a.m. I remember that day very well. An air defense system was stationed near our house. And at about 4:38, it started working. Why do I remember this so well? My younger son was at my mother’s house nearby. And to be honest, I was confused. What to do? I couldn’t believe that this was happening. From the window of my balcony, I could see what was happening on the ring road near Kharkiv. Then, as much as possible, I calmed down and went to my mother to take her and my son to my place. That’s how this war began for me.

When did you decide to join the military?

I decided to join the military in April 2022. But I joined our battalion only on June 1. Before that, the military enlistment offices refused.

A short question: why? What pushed you to this decision?

Why? Probably because I love my country. And seeing how everyone was united at that time, I realized that I couldn’t stand aside. And what pushed me were the eyes of my son. Full of horror, not understanding what was happening.

If you could describe one day in your life in the army, what would you say?

Every day is a lottery. Because you don’t know what will happen the next minute. But your comrades will always help and support you.

Tell us about your work at the university — what has Karazin University given you?

Karazin University is a big, friendly family that supports you at any moment. When I joined the university, I saw students’ interest in learning. They absorbed knowledge like sponges. And gradually, during their studies, we became a large Karazin family. My students still call me and ask how I am doing, or if I or my comrades need anything. The lecturers of my department constantly provide assistance to our battalion. What did Karazin University give me? A big family!

What is Karazin University to you in a few words?

A classic ahead of its time. You can't say it better.

In your opinion, what is the importance of education during the war?

It is worth studying precisely because there is a war now. The war has shown the issues we postponed and which are relevant for the country's development. And if we slow down educational processes now, we will destroy our culture, education, and history of Ukrainians ourselves.

You can also give advice, guidance, or wishes to the Karazin community and everyone who will read your story. What would you like to say?

I will use the words of the great Ukrainian poet Taras Shevchenko:

Keep fighting – you are sure to win!
God helps you in your fight!
For fame and freedom march with you,
And right is on your side!

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