Karazin University Joined the "Bethlehem Peace Light" Initiative

28 december 2023 year

Karazin University participated in the annual international scout action in celebration of Christmas called "Bethlehem Peace Light."

On this occasion, members of the Ukrainian scouting organization "Plast" in the Kharkiv region visited the university and presented the Bethlehem Peace Light to the rector, Tetiana Kaganovska, along with the traditional singing of the composition "Song of the Bethlehem Peace Light."

The young scouts also prepared a performance for the university community as part of the "Vertep-fest–2023" festival, concluding with the singing of the well-known carol "Nova radist' stala," and received Christmas presents. Another pleasant surprise for the university guests was a tour of the Karazin University Archaeological Museum.

Scouts worldwide annually spread the Bethlehem Peace Light as a reminder of good deeds and support for those who cannot celebrate Christmas at home. We believe that this blessed light will bring prosperity and become a symbol of unity, good deeds, and support.

This winter, along with the light, scouts will also deliver Christmas presents for our defenders, children in the front-line zone, displaced persons, and the children of fallen soldiers. You can join this charitable initiative by following this link.

Text: Margaryta Moroz
Photo: Yulia Haydenko
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