Karazin Strengthens Ukrainian-German Relationships in Education and Science

10 november 2023 year

On November 8–9, 2023, the Rector of Karazin University, Tetyana Kahanovska, as part of a delegation led by the Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine, Oksen Lisovyi, visited Berlin. She participated in events dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Ukrainian-German cooperation in the field of science and technology, as well as in a meeting with the Alliance of Berlin Universities. 

During the visit, meetings were also held:

  • With the President of the Freie Universität Berlin, Professor Günter Ziegler. They signed a Memorandum of Understanding between our universities. The collaboration between Karazin University and the Freie Universität Berlin began in the summer of 2023. On July 7, a joint conference "Kharkiv-Berlin Bridges" was held, which involved experts in the fields of medicine, demining, reconstruction, and humanitarian issues, not only from Karazin University but also from Kharkiv and the region as a whole.
  • The Chairman of the Board of the Charité Clinic, Professor Heyo Kroemer. They discussed prospects for cooperation in the educational sphere and the conduct of joint medical research between Karazin University and the Charité Clinic. 

Karazin University continuously develops international relations, allowing for the improvement of educational and scientific activities!


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