Karazin University Participated in the Meeting of the Council of Vice-Rectors for International Cooperation

27 november 2023 year

Karazin University actively contributes not only to the development of international relations but also supports important local initiatives – the creation of the advisory body of the Association of Rectors of Higher Education Institutions of Ukraine, namely the Council of Vice-Rectors for International Cooperation of Ukrainian Higher Education Establishments.

On November 23–24, 2023, a meeting of the Council of Vice-Rectors for International Cooperation took place at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan (Republic of Poland). Karazin University was represented by the Vice-Rector for Research and Teaching (International Cooperation) Boris Samorodov.

The intensive program aimed at generating joint ideas for the internalization of Ukrainian universities covered various directions discussed and professionally analyzed by speakers and participants of the event:

  • Reforming Ukrainian legislation in the field of international activities;
  • Strategy of internalization;
  • Academic mobility;
  • International projects;
  • Cooperation with university alliances;
  • International education;
  • Participation and representation in the international professional network.

We sincerely thank our friends and partners, organizers, speakers, and participants!

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