Karazin University in THE Impact Rankings 2023

On May 30 - June 1, 2023, the British rating agency Times Higher Education presented the results of the annual university ranking THE Impact Rankings 2023 at the Global Congress on Sustainable Development held in Tuwal (Saudi Arabia).
The new edition of the ranking evaluates 1591 universities from 112 countries. For comparison, last year 1405 higher education institutions from 105 countries took part in the study.
Despite the increase in the number of institutions participating in the ranking, Karazin University has retained its position and ranked 1001+ globally.
The university holds the following positions regarding the following goals:
Goal 1: No Poverty - 601-800
Goal 3: Good health and well-being - 601-800
Goal 4. Quality education - 1001+
Goal 5: Gender equality - 801-1000
Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth - 601-800
Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities - 601-800
Goal 15: Life on Land- 301-400
Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions - 401-600
Goal 17. Partnerships for the goals - 801-1000
THE Impact Rankings evaluates the activities of higher education institutions towards achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals adopted for the period up to 2030. The evaluation criteria include: research in the field of sustainable development, socially oriented programs, university impact on society, resource management, partnerships, etc.