Karazin University Deepens its Cooperation with the Kharkiv Regional Palace of Children's and Youth Creativity

19 september 2024 year

Karazin University continues to unite academic science and creative energy, opening pathways for children and youth to new horizons of knowledge and self-expression. The university is not only a center of education but also a source of inspiration for a new generation of dreamers and innovators.

Representatives from the Communal Institution "Kharkiv Regional Palace of Children's and Youth Creativity" visited Karazin: Palace Director Tetyana Pidberezkin and Deputy Director for Educational and Methodological Work Viktoriia Lukashova.

During the meeting with the university leadership, Ms. Tetiana noted that signing the memorandum is a historic decision that solidifies the long-standing collaboration between the university and the Palace, which will facilitate the implementation of many projects for our children. We must do everything possible to ensure that children feel like children even during wartime.

Rector Tetyana Kaganovska emphasized that the environment for a child is very important, as it influences personality development from a young age. The unification of efforts from educational institutions will contribute to ensuring that our children have a happy future.

The leaders of the institutions signed a memorandum of cooperation, within which joint implementation of activities and projects aimed at developing education and science in the city of Kharkiv and the Kharkiv region is planned.

This strategic partnership not only opens new opportunities for gifted youth but also strengthens the connection between educational institutions that promote the development of youth education and creativity in Kharkiv!


Text: Margaryta Moroz
Photo: Yulia Haydenko
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