Karazin University and the Kharkiv Regional Center for Social Work Expand Their Collaboration

5 june 2024 year

Starting from April 5, 2024, Karazin University has extended its professional development program for attendees under the educational program "Social Work" (specialty 231). The training involves 21 specialists from various social service centers, a territorial social service center (providing social services), two village councils, and three city councils from various rural districts of Kharkiv Oblast, Kharkiv city, and the Kharkiv Regional Social Service Center. Among those enrolled in this form of education are representatives from two territorial communities from de-occupied areas of the region.

This direction of work continued following a working meeting between the director of the university's Center for Postgraduate Education, Mykhailo Tatarynov, and the director of the Kharkiv Regional Social Service Center, Oksana Radich, held earlier as part of the collaboration with potential stakeholders.

During the introductory session, Mykhailo Tatarynov familiarized the participants with the specifics of the educational process over its two-week duration and conducted an introductory briefing on health and safety issues in wartime conditions. An essential component of the work to facilitate dialogue among the group participants is the discussion of their proposals to update and address current problematic issues of their professional activities during the qualification enhancement courses. The scientific and pedagogical staff of the Department of Sociology of Management and Social Work at the university's School of Sociology, who are authors of the working educational program for specialty 231 "Social Work" — including Head of the Department Iryna Yevdokymova, and Associate Professors Olena Plakhova and Svitlana Sadrytska — will ensure the educational process and will necessarily consider such proposals and implement their practical components within the framework of dialogical work.

At the end of the first introductory session, the participants actively engaged in the initial evaluation work.

The training will continue at the university's Center for Postgraduate Education until June 20, 2024.

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