Karazin University and the Education Department of the Administration of Novobavarsky District of the Kharkiv City Council are Implementing the Measures of the Memorandum

15 november 2023 year

On November 13, 2023, as part of the implementation of the tasks outlined in the memorandum between Karazin University and the Education Department of the Administration of Novobavarsky District of the Kharkiv City Council, the communal institution 'Kharkiv Lyceum No. 54 of the Kharkiv City Council' began conducting special courses for educational practitioners of various categories and managerial staff. The courses are based on the educational programs 'Inclusive Education' and 'Psychological Support for Adults and Children in Times of War.'

The training of participants in these programs complies with the requirements of current education legislation and general secondary education. It aims to cultivate modern professional competencies in educators for the effective conduct of lessons and educational activities in educational institutions with learners with special needs. The program also focuses on creating individualized tasks for the personal development of such students and forming interdisciplinary teams to implement survival strategies, among other objectives.

The director of the Center for Postgraduate Education, Mykhailo Tatarinov, provided participants with an introductory briefing on adhering to safety requirements, familiarized them with the schedule specifics of the educational process, addressed attendees' relevant questions, and conducted an entrance assessment. According to the educational process schedule, the training of potential participants will continue until November 27, 2023

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