Kharkiv Karazin University is Developing International Relations with Lithuania

9 may 2024 year
Science, International activities

On May 8th, Kharkiv Karazin University signed two memoranda of cooperation, one with Kaunas University of Technology and the other with the Lithuanian Riflemen’s Union.

The signing ceremony was attended by Kharkiv Karazin University Vice-Rectors Oleksandr Holovko, Anton Panteleimonov, Boris Samorodov, and the Dean of the School of Computer Science Dmytro Uzlov. The representative from the Lithuanian side was Paulius Klikunis.

The memorandum with Kaunas University of Technology aims to develop mutually beneficial cooperation for integrating science and fostering closer research and practical partnerships between Kaunas and Karazin universities. Specifically, the memorandum includes collaboration in research project preparation and implementation, exchange of scientific and technical information, participation in scientific conferences, seminars, and other academic events organized by the universities, and more.

The memorandum with the Lithuanian Riflemen’s Union focuses on cooperation aimed at integrating experiences and partnerships for closer contact and exchange of best practices between the Union and Kharkiv Karazin University. This involves joint preparation and execution of research projects, participation in conferences, seminars, and other events organized by Kharkiv Karazin University and the Lithuanian Riflemen’s Union.

Additionally, during the meeting, Paulius Klikunis, representing the Aid Raid Luxembourg Charity Organization, presented a backup power generator for the School of Computer Science. As noted by the university Vice-Rectors, Lithuania's assistance is valuable to us. We appreciate their contribution to both Ukraine's defense capability and ensuring the educational process!

We are delighted to find new friends with similar values and honesty! Kharkiv Karazin University expresses sincere gratitude for the assistance and cooperation from our foreign partners!

Text: Yulia Baglyk
Photo: Yulia Haydenko
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