Karazin University Joined the Celebration of Vyshyvanka Day

16 may 2024 year

On the third Thursday of May, Ukrainians traditionally celebrate Vyshyvanka Day and reflect on the rich history of this element of national culture.

Embroidery carries the genetic code of our nation. It serves as a marker of Ukrainian identity, known throughout the world thanks in part to this tradition.

Against the backdrop of modern challenges, the vyshyvanka has become a symbol of dedication and strength, reminding us of national pride and resilience. It is more than just clothing; it embodies the history and culture of our people.

The age of the Ukrainian vyshyvanka is estimated to be several thousand years old. This garment element not only served as decoration but also had certain magical or protective functions. Each stitch in the composition of the Ukrainian vyshyvanka carries its own meaning. Regional characteristics are expressed in patterns and colors, reflecting the age-old traditions of different regions of Ukraine.

Vyshyvanka Day emerged in 2006 as an initiative of the student movement and later became a large-scale holiday celebrated not only in Ukraine but also in various corners of the world where the Ukrainian diaspora resides.

Karazinites also carefully foster the traditions of this holiday, which symbolizes not only the beauty and uniqueness of Ukrainian culture but also calls for unity and solidarity among nations.

Text: Margaryta Moroz
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