Forum "Reflection. Values and Stories of Resilience" at Karazin University

24 may 2024 year

The issue of mental health protection is of utmost importance for Ukrainians, who have been living under conditions of full-scale invasion and constant stress for over two years. In 2022, on the initiative of the First Lady Olena Zelenska, a large-scale mental health program "How are you?" was launched in Ukraine, aimed at developing Ukrainians' skills and abilities to cope with stressful situations, maintain resilience, and remain unbroken.

Karazin University actively organizes and participates in events dedicated to the issue of mental health. The university hosted a forum called "Reflection. Values and Stories of Resilience."

In his opening remarks, Vice-Rector Oleksandr Holovko noted that starting from the next academic year, the university will introduce a series of interdisciplinary courses that will help students acquire the skills and abilities to overcome stress, control their emotions, and assist themselves, their family, and loved ones.

The Deputy Director of the Center for Ukrainian Studies and Local Lore named after Academician P. T. Tronko, Olha Vovk, conducted a historical excursion into the development of psychiatry and psychology at Karazin University, which has been safeguarding the mental resilience of Ukrainians for over 200 years. She highlighted the contributions of Karazin's scientists to this field of science and practice.

The nationwide mental health program "How are you?", its goals, value, and features were presented by the program coordinator in the Kharkiv region, Associate Professor of the School of Psychology, Liliya Zotova.

Associate Professor of the School of Psychology, Andrii Kharchenko, shared his personal story of resilience, including his volunteer activities and assistance to people affected by the hostilities. "Today, the formula for resilience is taking care of one's mental health, seeking a path to inner harmony despite external conditions, being able to realize one's potential, maintaining mutual support, respect, and humanity," he concluded.

The university remains a model of resilience and fortitude! Karazin students and staff continue to teach and learn how to cope with the stressful situation we face every day.

Text: Margaryta Moroz
Photo: Myhailo Protsenko
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