Assistance to Karazin University from the Canada-Ukraine Foundation

28 april 2023 year

Today, the greatest strength of Ukrainians is in their unity, because only joint efforts can lead to achieve certain goals and outstanding results.

Karazin University has received assistance — 230 laptops — as part of an agreement between the University’s School of Sociology and the Canada-Ukraine Foundation (Toronto, Canada).

Throughout the implementation of the Volia project, students studying medicine, sociology, psychology, information technology, and other educational programs that are extremely important for Ukraine’s recovery will receive support.

The Canada-Ukraine Foundation provides its support for the stability of the educational process at Karazin University with a priority for veterans and those who have been injured as a result of participation in military operations or other measures to defend the country.

We express our sincere gratitude to the representatives of the Foundation, as well as to the Karazin University community, who coordinated the delivery of this important half-ton cargo from Lviv to Kharkiv, and in particular to Olena Muradyan, Dean of the School of Sociology, for coordinating the project and providing such important digital support.

We continue our international cooperation on the educational front with unwavering faith in our Victory!

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