Day of Remembrance for Children Who Died as a Result of the Armed Aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine

4 june 2024 year

Every nation has days that evoke the deepest feelings of pain and loss in the heart. For Ukraine, such a day is the Day of Remembrance for Children Who Died as a Result of the Armed Aggression of the russian federation against Ukraine. This is not just a date on the calendar; it is an indescribable pain and immeasurable grief for the lost lives, unfulfilled dreams, and unfinished stories.

Childhood is a time of boundless joy, carefreeness, and discoveries. But war stole this magic from our children. Fragments of rockets and mines took their lives, leaving emptiness in the hearts of parents, families, and the entire nation. Each of these little angels had their own dreams, hopes, and future achievements that remained unknown to the world.

According to the Office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine, more than 1,899 children have been affected in Ukraine due to the full-scale armed aggression of the russian federation. As of May 27, 2024, according to official information from juvenile prosecutors, 548 children have died and over 1,351 have been injured to varying degrees.

Unfortunately, this painful statistic does not fully reflect the scale of the losses suffered by children during the prolonged armed aggression that russia began in 2014 against Ukraine.

This day is a reminder that war has no justification. It brings only destruction, death, and sorrow. It destroys not only houses and cities but also destinies, dreams, and the future.

We must remember what we are fighting for. We will not forgive the enemy for any loss and will preserve the bright memory of every child!

We honor and remember.

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