Saint Nicholas Day: the university celebrates

19 december 2022 year

Saint Nicholas Day is celebrated annually in Ukraine on December 19.

Everyone, especially children, is looking forward to this holiday. After all, we remember how in childhood we woke up in the morning with the feeling that day was going to be a special, fabulous day, on which we would definitely find some kind of gift under the pillow.

The cycle of winter holidays traditionally begins with St. Nicholas Day in Ukraine.

Nicholas the Wonderworker, Nicholas the Conciliator or Nicholas the Saint - that's what Orthodox believers call him. According to ancient records, it is known that the man lived in the III-IV centuries and became famous for many miracles. He was distinguished by his sensitivity, kindness, help to those who needed it. By the way, St. Nicholas was considered not only the patron saint of children, he also took care of travelers on the road.

This year Saint Nicholas Day is special for us. After all, we believe that Nicholas will give us a miracle, warm our souls, protect us from enemies, save the lives of our soldiers. So be it!

Text: Valeria Kharchenko
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