Day of Mourning and Remembrance of the Victims of War in Ukraine

22 june 2024 year

The Day of Mourning and Remembrance of the Victims of War in Ukraine is a moment when we pause in our daily activities to remember those who gave their lives for the freedom and independence of our Homeland. This day reminds us of the burden of war, which brings grief and loss, but at the same time strengthens our spirit and faith in the future.

Today, we honor the memory not only of those who died in past wars but also of the heroes who are defending our country in the current war against russian aggression. Since 2014, Ukraine has been fighting to maintain its independence and territorial integrity in a fierce struggle that takes the lives of the best sons and daughters of our land every day.

Karazin University, as a center of science and culture, actively participates in the national struggle and supports our defenders. Many of our students and faculty members have stood up to defend the Homeland, choosing the path of military service or volunteering. We are proud of their courage and dedication!

On this day, we remember the tragic pages of our history, honoring the memory of millions of Ukrainians who perished during World War II. They became victims of military actions, genocide, deportations, and repressions. Those events left a deep wound in the national consciousness, reminding us of the price we pay for peace and freedom.

Today's events once again test the strength of our country. The enemy tries to break our spirit, but we stand firm. Our warriors on the front lines demonstrate an invincible desire for victory, and the Ukrainian people continue to support the army and each other, uniting in help and mutual support.

Karazin University calls on everyone to remember the victims of war, to cherish this memory, and to do everything possible to bring our victory closer. We believe that together we can overcome any difficulties and build a peaceful future for future generations.

Eternal honor and memory to those who gave their lives for freedom of Ukraine.

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