Birthday of Karazin University's Honorary Doctor, American historian, and writer Timothy Snyder: The University Extends its Greetings

18 august 2024 year

Today, the American historian and writer, Honorary Doctor of Karazin University, Timothy Snyder, celebrates his birthday.

His unwavering dedication to historical truth and his contributions to understanding the history of Eastern Europe are a source of inspiration for many. Timothy Snyder's works have become a beacon of truth in a world where historical memory is often distorted, serving as a crucial tool in the fight against disinformation and injustice.

We are grateful for his defense of democratic values, his help, and support for our country during these turbulent times. Timothy Snyder's presence in our academic community is an important bridge between Ukraine and the world, emphasizing the significance of history in shaping our future.

The Karazin community warmly congratulates Timothy on his 55th anniversary! We wish him good health, inspiration, and many more meaningful discoveries and achievements!

Text: Margaryta Moroz
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