Constitution Day of Ukraine: the University Congratulates!

28 june 2024 year

Every year on June 28, Ukraine celebrates one of its most important national holidays — Constitution Day.

This day symbolizes not only the adoption of the country's Basic Law but also the affirmation of independence, the right to self-determination, and democracy. For every Ukrainian, this day is special because the Constitution serves as the foundation upon which our society is built.

The Constitution is a symbol of our shared goals and hopes for a better future. It guarantees our rights and freedoms, outlines our duties to the state and society. It serves as our guiding light in the world of democracy and human rights.

Today, more than ever, we understand the significance and importance of the fundamental principles enshrined in the Basic Law of our state. Due to the war unleashed by russia, Ukrainians are making incredible efforts, at the cost of their own lives, to defend the sovereignty and independence of our Motherland, to defeat those who encroached upon the inviolability of our land.

Karazin Kharkiv National University takes pride in its role in shaping national consciousness and educating true patriots. As we celebrate Constitution Day, we recognize the contribution of every citizen of our country to building a strong and just society.

Happy Constitution Day of Ukraine!

Text: Margaryta Moroz
Photo: Yulia Haydenko
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