Surgeon's Day: the University congratulates

21 september 2024 year

Every year on the third Saturday of September, Ukraine celebrates Surgeon’s Day.

Surgery is an art that requires not only technical knowledge but also an unwavering desire to help others.

Educational institutions play an important role in the training of future surgeons, among which the School of Medicine of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University plays a key role. Founded in 1804, the university has become the cradle of knowledge for thousands of outstanding doctors who have made Ukrainian medicine famous.

The School of Medicine of Karazin University is actively developing in cooperation with leading medical institutions and aims to educate world-class doctors. Nowadays, in times of war, the profession of a surgeon has gained special value. Graduates of the School of Medicine work in military hospitals and hospitals on the front line, saving the lives of our defenders and civilians every day.

This profession is about faith in science, humanity and the fact that behind every saved life is the skill of a surgeon.

Congratulations to everyone who has chosen this noble and vital way. Your skills are hope, your hands are rescue, and your courage is a great example to follow. We wish you health, strength and professional achievements. May your efforts always bring success and help you create real miracles.

Special gratitude is expressed to the surgeons who are working today in the conditions of war, saving the lives of our soldiers and civilians. Your heroism knows no bounds.

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