Chemist's Day

26 may 2024 year

On the last Sunday of May, Ukrainians traditionally celebrate Chemist's Day. The university joins in celebrating this day and congratulates the Karazin chemists on their professional holiday!

It is hard for any of us to imagine a world without chemistry. After all, chemistry is a component of every particle of our lives. We can find its traces in all kinds of industries and in our daily lives.

It was at Karazin University in 1865 that a course in physical chemistry was first taught in the world. This was done by the renowned chemist M. Beketov. Shortly before that, in 1823, Vasyl Karazin was the first to attempt to synthesize an artificial diamond.

Today, Karazin University is the only higher education institution in the Kharkiv region where students are trained in the specialty of "Chemistry." Currently, the School of Chemistry has about 350 students, taught by 35 associate professors and 15 full professors.

The synergy of the invaluable experience of the faculty, the ambitions of the students, the opportunities of the university, and the powerful practical bases contribute to the development of chemical science not only within Ukraine but also globally.

The university wishes chemists vigor, inspiration, and success in their work! May there be even more projects, achievements, and discoveries!

Text: Yulia Baglyk
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