20 years since the Approval of the Coat of Arms of Karazin University by the Academic Council

27 may 2024 year

Twenty years ago, the Academic Council of the university made a decision that marked a new era in the institution's history. The coat of arms of Karazin University, approved that day, became not just an emblem of the educational institution, but a true embodiment of its spirit, traditions, and aspirations.

The symbolism of the coat of arms embodies the ideals laid down by Vasyl Nazarovych Karazin —the founder of our university, a man whose energy and talent opened a new chapter in the history of national education. The coat of arms reminds us that each of us is part of a great community united by the desire to learn, teach, and enlighten.

This day is significant not only for the university but also for all its alumni, students, and staff. We are all heirs to this great legacy. The coat of arms of Karazin University will always be a reminder that true greatness lies in preserving traditions, opening new horizons, and moving forward relentlessly.

May the coat of arms of Karazin University continue to inspire us to new achievements and accomplishments!

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