104 Years Since the Birth of Renowned Ukrainian Archaeologist and Distinguished Professor of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Borys Shramko

On January 17, 2025, the 104th anniversary of the birth of renowned Ukrainian archaeologist, professor, Honored Scientist and Engineer of Ukraine, Distinguished Professor of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, and honorary citizen of Kharkiv, Borys Shramko, was celebrated.
To mark this occasion, a well-known Kharkiv artist and Shevchenko Prize laureate, Viktor Kovtun, presented a portrait of the scholar, which will adorn the Borys Shramko lecture hall at the School of History.
The portrait presentation took place at the Museum of Archaeology in the presence of renowned scientists, university staff, and students of Borys Andriyovych.
Speeches of congratulations were delivered by Vil Bakirov, Advisor to the Chairman of the University's Board of Trustees, Advisor to the Rector, academician, and professor; Serhii Posokhov, Head of the Department of Historiography, Source Studies, and Archaeology of the School of History; Serhii Kudelko, Director of the P. T. Tronko Center for Local History; Iryna Shramko, Director of the University Museum of Archaeology; and Vitalii Okatenko, a graduate of the School of History. They emphasized the significant contributions of the scholar, known both in Ukraine and abroad, to the development of archaeological science and the restoration of the University Museum of Archaeology.
They also highlighted the vast number of specialists trained by the talented educator and field researcher Borys Shramko, as well as the ongoing use of his works in education and scientific research. Despite his recognition, he remained a modest person, steadfast in his principles.