Fostering the Urban food System transformation through Innovative Living Labs Implementation (FUSILLI) [ 31/12/2020 — Current ]

FUSILLI is a Food and Natural Resources project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No.101000717. Over a duration of four years, FUSILLI will focus on supporting cities to facilitate their transition towards more sustainable food systems, in line with the FOOD2030 priorities. To achieve this goal, the FUSILLI project combines the expertise of 34 partners from 13 countries, including cities, universities, SMEs, NGOs, and industries (2020-2024) Link:

During the implementation of the project, a number of open public events were organized and held on the topics of food security, growing food products in the urban space, ecologically responsible waste management practices, the main of which were the following:

In July 2023, the Kharkiv Green Urban Fest 2023 took place on the basis of the Karazin University.

In November 2023, the First Kharkiv Food Forum "Kharkiv on the road to food security: food practices and principles of 5R" was organized and held on the basis of the University.

During 2022-2023, Zero Waste Academy and Zero Waste Camp were held for Kharkiv schoolchildren, during which young citizens were taught the correct behavior with waste in accordance with the 5R principle.

In addition, for 2021-2023, the project team conducted a series of sociological studies, in particular, included observation of the yard space of Kharkiv, a number of in-depth interviews with volunteers and stakeholders dealing with food security issues, as well as a survey of city residents on the topic "Assessment food quality and waste sorting practices during the war." Some of the results of these and other studies have already been published in national and international professional journals:

Special issue of Socioprostir magazine:

And articles separately:

Lytovchenko, A., & Nekhaienko, O. (2023). URBAN FARMING AS A TOOL OF FOOD SECURITY IN FRONT-LINE KHARKIV: GLOBAL PROBLEMS FROM MICROSOCIOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (4), 48-55.

Бойко Д. М. (2022) Продовольча (не)безпека для груп ризику на ринках Харкова: фактор Covid-19 // Habitus. 39, С. 21-25. URL: (Food (in)security for risk groups in Kharkiv markets: the Covid-19 factor)

Бойко, Д. (2022). Групи ризику на продовольчих ринках Харкова: між звичками та Covid-19. Габітус, 44, с. 11-15. URL: (Risk groups in Kharkiv food markets: between habits and covid19)

Olena Muradyan, Ruslan Zaporozhchenko, Daria Yashkina & Oleksandra Deineko (2023). Urban redevelopment: New build, green and low-carbon gentrification in the transformed city? STORBYKONFERANSEN 2023: The Urban Research Conference 2023.

Fostering the Urban food System transformation through Innovative Living Labs Implementation (FUSILLI) [ 31/12/2020 – Current ]

«Сприяння трансформації міської системи харчування через впровадження інноваційних лабораторій життя» («Fostering the Urban Food System Transformation through Innovative Living Labs Implementation» – FUSILLI), №Г/03-21 від 21.09.2020 р. на 2020-2024 рр.

Contact person 


Olena Muradyan, Dean of the School of Sociology V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Assoc. Prof. (Docent) at Political Sociology Department, School of Sociology;

ORCID: 0000-0003-0990-9635.


Oleksandra Deineko, Assoc. Prof. (Docent) at Department of Applied Sociology and Social Communications, School of Sociology


ORCID: 0000-0002-3659-0861


Dmytro Boiko, Head of Political Sociology Department of the School of Sociology V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

ORCID: 0000-0003-3425-8555.

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