Centre for Mental Health and Adaptation of Servicemen and Women and People Affected by Military Operations

Understanding the impact of military conflicts on health and mental well-being requires a modal approach to the treatment and support of military personnel and civilians.

One of the key issues is the study of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety disorders, drug addiction, alcoholism and other mental health conditions.

The study of the prevalence and comorbidity of mental and physical health disorders among military personnel and civilians affected by military aggression, including aspects of drug and alcohol addiction, is critical to understanding and effectively managing this issue. It is extremely important to involve scientists, psychiatrists, narcologists, psychologists, and other experts from various fields to create a comprehensive approach to studying this complex issue.

Objectives of the centre:

  • researching mental health disorders in military personnel, covering various aspects such as risk factors, comorbidity, effective treatment and rehabilitation methods;
  • psychological support of the process of adaptation after demobilisation;
  • development and improvement of treatment methods, including new psychotherapeutic approaches, occupational therapy, telemedicine, integration of neuroscience and other innovations;
  • develop training programmes for healthcare professionals, military personnel (training of support group facilitators) and their families, which may include training in recognising symptoms of mental disorders, training in supportive techniques and stress management;
  • create and test prevention programmes aimed at reducing the risk of suicide, drug and alcohol abuse among military personnel;
  • conduct research on effective treatment and rehabilitation methods for servicemen and women facing addiction problems.

The symbiotic work of specialists in the fields of neurology, psychiatry, narcology, medical psychology, internal medicine, medical information technology and other fields of medical science, combined with practice-oriented training programmes, simulation technologies, supervisory support and direct participation in clinical work based on scientific evidence-based medicine, create a unique, comfortable and fulfilling educational and scientific environment.

Responsible person

Diana Shtryhol
Phone: +380 (63) 322-53-62
E-mail: d.shtrygol@karazin.ua

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