Legal protection of privacy

At the turn of the millennium, the emphasis in the mechanism of human rights implementation changed significantly. If until the end of the twentieth century the struggle for human rights was mainly limited to attempts to ensure equal access to public affairs for the widest possible segments of the population and socialisation of people, in modern conditions the problem of human autonomy and the ability to retire is becoming increasingly important. Accordingly, the idea of the limits of state interference in private life has changed, and the boundaries between public and private have changed significantly.

In foreign countries with developed democracies, since the early 1970s, an intensive process of lawmaking in the area of privacy (right to privacy) has begun. To date, relevant laws have been adopted and are in force in more than 50 countries, including Ukraine and all EU member states. Ukraine, however, is still far behind the leading Western democracies in terms of legal protection of the right to privacy. 

The project "Legal protection of privacy" is aimed at developing a theoretical concept of the right to privacy and formulating general approaches to ensuring this constitutional right in national legislation, taking into account current political and legal realities. Achievement of this goal involves solving the following tasks:

  • to formulate a universal definition of private life as a sphere of human activity and a subject of legal influence
  • to identify the main (legally significant) features of private life and criteria of privacy; 
  • to carry out a historical reconstruction of the processes of formation and development of the right to privacy (right to privacy); 
  • to conceptualise the right to privacy (right to privacy); 
  • to identify the legal nature of the right to privacy, to define its essential features;
  • to clarify the content and structure of the right to privacy as one of the fundamental human and civil rights;
  • to provide a general description of the legislative framework for ensuring privacy in the leading countries of the world, primarily in the USA, China and the EU;
  • to formulate universal principles of ensuring the right to privacy in modern conditions; 
  • to identify the main approaches to improving the legal mechanism for ensuring the right to privacy in Ukraine;
  • to identify priority areas for the protection of the right to privacy at the present stage and adequate forms and methods of protection.

As part of this project, one doctoral dissertation was defended, one monograph and more than fifty scientific articles were published in professional legal journals, including journals that are abstracted in the Scopus and Web of Science databases. The main scientific results obtained within the framework of this project were presented at more than thirty national and international scientific and practical conferences.

Responsible person

Professor Vitalii Seriogin
Doctor of Law
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