Applied algorithms of cone beam tomography

The research is focused on the development and modeling of hybrid algorithms for three-dimensional reconstruction that combine the advantages of classical cone beam tomography and tomosynthesis. An example is the Line Scanning Geometry (LSG) algorithm, which use the movement of the emitter and detector along a straight line. The developed method allows for accurate reconstruction of the object in the full cone beam, avoiding the defects of traditional cone beam tomography.

The use of linear emitter movement has advantages in reducing investigation time, decreasing radiation exposure, and accelerating reconstruction processing time. A comparison with the Feldkamp algorithm (FDK) showed the advantages of LSG, particularly in smaller reconstruction errors at significant cone angles. For the linear scanning algorithm, the error is 9%, while for the Feldkamp algorithm, it is 17% at substantial cone angles.

Modeling results indicate the promising use of linear scanning geometry in computer tomography to obtain high-quality and accurate images of internal structures of objects.

Responsible persons

Lapitan Kostiantyn
Nemchenko Konstantin

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