Training videos on environmental monitoring studies

Through funding from Universities UK International and UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) as part of the UK-Ukraine Twinning Grants Scheme, the University of York has developed a number of training videos aimed at supporting researchers in developing an environmental monitoring study.
The videos are a product of a partnership created between the University of York and the V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. created in response to the Ukraine-Russia war.
The project aims at developing a community of researchers who have the skills and knowledge to understand the terrible legacy of chemical pollution following conflict and of how to clean up Ukraine’s natural environment.
Created by PhD students in the Department of Environment and Geography at the University of York and in collaboration with PhD students from Kharkiv National University , the introductory video below (available in both English and Ukraine) is followed by a number of videos aimed at providing researchers with information on how to:
- develop an environmental monitoring study, including what preliminary research may be useful, what sampling strategies to consider and health and safety considerations;
- design a study for monitoring water, including the use of grab, auto and sediment sampling;
- design a study for monitoring soil, including the use of spades, augers, corers and automatics samplers;
- design a study for monitoring air, including the use of grab, handheld and automatic samplers.