Gender Strategy for 2023–2033 of Karazin University

GENDER STRATEGY for 2023-2033
of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

1. General provisions

The challenges that the development of the modern education system has to face require constant and close attention to the most acute problems and their consequences accompanying any progress, especially those based on archaic stereotypes, hiding behind a false understanding of traditionality. Scientific progress and development of social consciousness require us to be more resolute about any forms and manifestations of discrimination and gender-based discrimination in particular. V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University is a full-fledged participant in the European scientific and educational space, therefore, it cannot ignore gender issues. The University serves as a conductor to the space of democracy and equal opportunities for society, and therefore the implementation of the principles of gender equality in education in order to prevent discrimination is an important social responsibility of the University.

The Gender Strategy for 2023-2033 of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (hereinafter referred to as the Gender Strategy) is aimed at achieving this goal. It defines the basic principles, purpose, strategic goals, objectives, target groups and areas of implementation of gender parity and prevention of gender discrimination.

2. Basic definitions and terms

The interpretation of the basic definitions and terms used in the text of the Gender Strategy is adapted given the exclusively university space of use:

gender asymmetry — a disparity in socio-cultural roles of different genders in various spheres of the University life, embodied in the asymmetry of standards, requirements, language regulations and declared expectations for the behavior of women, men and other gender groups;
gender parity — balanced and rationally symmetrical inclusion of different gender groups in all spheres of the University life;
gender discrimination — limitation of opportunities and rights, symbolic violence or the mode of most-favored-treatment applied to people on the basis of their gender, gender identity or sexual orientation;
sexism — an ideology and practice (including its linguistic and discursive aspect) of gender-based discrimination of people based on the idea of the superiority of moral, intellectual, cultural, physical and other qualities of one gender over another one;
gender approach — a scientifically based focus on achieving gender equality and establishing equal opportunities for people of all genders; an absence of any focus on a «special purpose» of a man or a woman; a process of overcoming gender stereotypes;
gender component — conceptual elements and practice of preventing gender discrimination in educational programs, scientific and organizational activities of the University;
gender sensitivity — an ability and determination to perceive, realize and counter-react to any manifestations of sexism and gender discrimination;
gender roles — society’s social expectations of women and men based on already established gender stereotypes, as well as behavior in the form of speech, manners, gestures, etc.;
gender-sensitive speech — an oral or written expression devoid of androcentrism, sexism and any other gender-discriminatory elements and features;
gender stereotypes — common beliefs formed in culture about how men and women as well as representatives of any other gender behave and should behave.

3. Basic principles

The fundamental basis for the formation of the Gender Strategy is the Code of Values of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, in particular the values of democracy, enlightenment, humanism, openness and tolerance. The Gender Strategy is based on:

  • adherence to the democratic values of egalitarianism (i. e. equality of rights and opportunities), inclusiveness, tolerance and non-discrimination;
  • scientific basis of interdisciplinary gender studies;
  • respect for the individual, as well as for uniqueness and right to full self-realization in the university space for every person who belongs to the University community;
  • openness and transparency of the process of forming the Gender Strategy, which requires the involvement of the University community in its discussion and examination;
  • perceptions of gender equality as one of the core goals of sustainable development.

4. Purpose & strategic goals

The purpose of the Gender Strategy is to determine ways to ensure gender equality and prevent gender-based discrimination in all segments of the University space.

In order to achieve the basic purpose of the Gender Strategy, it is necessary to reach the following strategic goals:

  • comprehensive implementation of the principles of gender equality and prevention of discrimination in all the University documentation;
  • improvement of the organization and content of the educational process based on gender equality and prevention of discrimination;
  • creation of an advisory pool on issues of gender equality and prevention of discrimination from among representatives of all subgroups of the University community.

5. Objectives of the Gender Strategy

In order to reach the strategic goals, it is necessary to fulfill the following objectives:

  • conducting a gender examination of the documentation base and online representation of the University, preparing expert assessments and (if necessary) formulating corrections; in particular, an analysis of internal normative documents (regulations, procedures) regulating the educational, cultural, organizational, financial and economic activities of the University is necessary;
  • carrying out a gender analysis of educational programs of socio-humanitarian disciplines on the subject of mechanical reproduction of gender stereotypes and indirect transmission of gender discrimination, followed by the development (if necessary) of recommendations for correction of the programs;
  • gender audit of leadership styles applied by the University administration and its structural divisions; development of a platform for experience exchange in the form of a gender leadership school for the University’s management staff and personnel reserve;
  • prevention of vulgarization and primitivization of a gender approach through its reduction to women’s studies and the feminist dimension;
  • development of programs of optional courses, lectures, inter-faculty disciplines, seminars, workshops, advanced training courses, curatorial hours, which aim to meet the cognitive needs of the University community regarding gender issues and develop the gender competence of students, teachers, employees and university management;
  • improving the practices of implementation of the principles of gender-sensitive speech into the document management with a focus on implementing language strategies, which aim to neutralize and avoid sexism;
  • development of systems of regular gender monitoring and audit of all areas of the University activity;
  • development of a scheme and implementation of an in-depth analysis of the gender dimension of the University’s personnel policy, examination of the University’s staff potential through the prism of achieving gender parity;
  • formation of a gender-sensitive educational environment at all faculties and institutes of the University based on their educational and professional and educational and scientific specifics;
  • conducting research on the perception and level of satisfaction with the gender image of the University by students, teachers, university staff, as well as the public and external experts;
  • provision of informational and scientific-methodological support for the implementation of the gender approach to all structural divisions of the University;
  • activation of research work in the field of theory and practice of gender studies;
  • improvement of the system of scientific communication and cooperation on gender studies at the University, organization of regular thematic international conferences on the most pressing issues of gender issues in the University life;
  • creation within the University of a separate division aimed at providing legal and psychological assistance to victims of gender discrimination and gender violence;
  • development of the regulations and action plan of an advisory body (e. g. the Gender Cooperation Council) on gender issues, which will consist of representatives of all University groups — students, teachers, staff and administration; involvement of University scientists and specialists of trade unions in cooperation with the future body;
  • implementation of a separate expert-research program of gender audit of the social space of University dormitories.

6. Target groups and areas of implementation

The target groups for the implementation of the Gender Strategy are the whole University community, namely: full-time and part-time students of all faculties and specialties; scientific and pedagogical staff; research and support staff; administration, all structural divisions and services. The areas of implementation of the Gender Strategy are all areas of University activities, namely: scientific activity, educational activity, cultural activity, organizational activity, financial and economic activity, informational activity.

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