The international summer school "Protection of the rights of displaced persons in war - the example of Ukraine" has started its work

On August 15, 2022, a large-scale international summer school on the status and rights of refugees "War-displaced Persons' Protection Rights — Case study Ukraine" began, co-organized by Karazin University (Ukraine) and Palacký University Olomouc (Czech Republic) as partners of the Alliance "Aurora".
During the opening of the school, the participants were greeted by the vice-rector for strategy and regional affairs, professor Michal Malatska, from Palacký University, and the head of the international relations department, associate professor Natalya Oliynyk, spoke on behalf of Karazin University.
The history of the school is special because at the end of 2021, the Karazin University team won a grant under the scholarship program of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) to hold the international summer "Mass Displacement: Focus on Eastern Europe during the COVID-19 Pandemic" in Kharkiv. Due to the hostilities started by Russia against Ukraine, it became impossible to hold the school at the planned time on the basis of the Karazin University, and the international partners of the "Aurora" Alliance came to the rescue in time. Palacký University Olomouc offered to host the school, changing its format and focus on research, combining it with the annual International Summer School on the Status and Rights of Refugees, now in its ninth year.