Online course: Rethinking Gender, War, and Peace in XXIst Century: Ukraine in Comparative Perspective
The partner universities offer the online course to students and faculty of all partner universities:
“Rethinking Gender, War and Peace in the 21st Century: Ukraine in Comparative Perspective”
Between October 2023 and March 2024, an international team of about 15 scholars delivered lectures on topics such as gender and war, militarism, nationalism, violence, forced migration, feminist solidarity in times of war, Europeanization and geopolitical practices of resilience and resistance, etc.
The course participants received certificates from Lund University (top 100 universities in the world according to QS).
The lectures were also recorded and posted on the project website to be available to all interested parties after the project is completed.
This project is part of the implementation of Karazin University's gender strategy and aims to ensure equal rights and opportunities for all, prevent and combat any discrimination, which is the basis for overcoming the consequences of hostilities and post-war reconstruction of Ukraine.