University Graduate Polina Kofman has been Awarded a Grant from the American Physical Society

19 april 2024 year

In 2023, Polina Kofman, a graduate of the School of Physics and Technology, received a grant (APS Distinguished Student Program for Ukraine, supported by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation) from the American Physical Society (APS) for Ukrainian students.

This grant enabled Polina to present at the APS March Meeting in Minneapolis. Her presentation focused on physical qubits and built upon ideas from an article published in Physical Review Letters last year. The presentation showcased theoretical research results on a two-level system interacting with a two-dimensional transistor-like optical platform.

With the support of APS, Polina joined 13,000 physicists in Minneapolis.

Polina Kofman is currently a Ph.D. student at the B.I. Verkin Institute for Low-Temperature Physics and Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in Kharkiv. In 2023, she graduated from the university with honors, being selected as the best graduate of the School of Physics and Technology 2023. At the time of her graduation, she was already a co-author of a paper in the journal Scientific Reports, received the President of Ukraine Scholarship, a scholarship for internships at the Riken Institute (Japan), and won the International Physics Student Tournament in 2021. Therefore, the institute's faculty and her Ph.D. supervisor, a graduate of the School of Physics and Technology, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Sergiy Shevchenko, always believed in Polina's success and are proud of her achievements.

Congratulations to Polina, and we wish her discoveries and accomplishments!

Photo: Polina Kofman
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