Ceremonial Graduation of Master's Degrees of Karazin University

28 december 2022 year

In Karazin University, a ceremonial graduation of university students and awarding of the best master's graduates of 2022 took place.

Due to the martial law in Ukraine, the event was held in a mixed format. All those willing could join in watching the event live on Karazin University's official pages on YouTube, Facebook and Instagram.

The ceremonial graduation of masters took place with the participation of the university management led by president Tetyana Kaganovska, deans of faculties, directors of institutes and graduates.

"Dear graduates, we are grateful to you for the fact that you are true patriots of our country, true members of Karazin community, on whom the future of our state depends. I thank your parents for giving us something to be proud of.

Since February 24, you have been fighting and fighting on your front, learning and not letting the enemy destroy your dreams and plans. Thanks to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, thanks to which we are now here to congratulate you on your graduation. This is a very difficult year for our country, but it became decisive because it united us, showed how strong we are, and helped us discover ourselves. Ukraine is united, we are one nation fighting for our truth and our will," president Tetyana Kaganovska greeted the students.

The community of Karazin University lost its graduates, employees and students during the war, so those present observed a moment of silence in memory of those who gave their lives for the future of Ukraine.

The directors of faculties and educational and scientific institutes also gave greetings and farewells to the graduates. Traditionally, the university administration awarded the best graduates with commemorative medals for excellent studies, outstanding achievements in scientific activities and active participation in public life.

On behalf of the student community, a graduate of the Karazin University's Faculty of Economics, Kateryna Levada, thanked the university's teachers and administration for their knowledge, care and support, faith and help on the way to achieving desired goals and professional heights.

A real musical surprise for the graduates was the performance of the "Repulse of Anxiety" band, which gave the audience a festive mood and an incendiary atmosphere.

Congratulations to the graduates of Karazin University! We wish you health, inspiration, perseverance and achievement of all goals. Let graduation be your step into a new, happy future!

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