Research on Nanostructured Multi-channel Optical Fiber Involving Oleg Yermakov, a Staff Member of the Department of Computer Physics, has been Published in Nature Communications

11 march 2025 year

The article by Oleh Yermakov, a staff member of the Education and Research Institute of Computer Physics and Energy, in collaboration with German colleagues, was published in the prestigious journal Nature Communications with an impact-factor of almost 15, which is among the top 3% of the world's best journals in Physics and Astronomy. This work is the sixth publication of Karazin University researchers in this prestigious journal and the first one in the last 5 years.

The scientists have created a multi-core optical fiber that has seven independent light propagation channels (cores), each of which has its own nanostructure with pre-selected properties. It makes possible to collect light from a specific angle of incidence into a specific propagation channel of fiber. For example, light incident at a 20-degree angle enters the first channel of the fiber, at a 30-degree angle - the second channel, and so on.

By analyzing the distribution and intensity of the illuminated fiber channels, the angular position of an unknown light source can be determined at a distance of several meters. This fiber-optic device also works in the opposite mode, as an angular demultiplexer, capable of illuminating light from the fiber in different angular ranges and directions. The researchers have not only proposed a simple way to design nanostructures for covering optical fibers, but also implemented the device experimentally using 3D nanoprinting technology. These results discover great opportunities for remote detection, biosensing, endoscopy, telecommunications, and many other applications.

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