International volunteer day: the university congratulates

5 december 2022 year

Today, the world celebrates Volunteer Day or International Volunteer Day in the name of economic and social development.

The holiday was established by the UN General Assembly in 1985. In Ukraine, the volunteer movement began in the 90s and actively developed during the Revolution of Dignity and the beginning of russia's military aggression on the independent territory of our country.

Now this holiday has acquired a special significance, because the full-scale invasion of the russian federation changed the life of every Ukrainian. We have to defend our right to exist, fight for our homeland at the front and in the rear.

Volunteers are people who work for free for the good of society and the Motherland, volunteers not only of Ukraine, but also of the whole world, who also stood up for the protection of our state and citizens. Their work is extremely important and complex: volunteers help the Ukrainian military, deliver tons of humanitarian aid, equipment for the Armed Forces, treat the wounded, collect money for help at the front and those who had to escape from the war.

Moreover, almost the entire country is involved in volunteering today. Ukrainians are doing everything possible to support our soldiers. We donate and buy a satellite, we work and pay taxes, we save electricity while they are on the front lines risking their lives and destroying evil.

Happy International Volunteer Day to everyone who contributes to bringing our victory closer. Every effort, every donation is important, because our strength lies in the unity and indomitability of the Ukrainian nation. Together we will win!

Text: Margarita Moroz
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