Day of Ukrainian Statehood: Greetings from the university

28 july 2023 year

Today, we celebrate the Day of Ukrainian Statehood, a holiday that symbolizes the strength, courage, and national unity of our people.

We honor the heroes of the past who defended our statehood and express our gratitude to all those who work for the benefit of our country and fight for its freedom and independence today.

Currently, Ukrainians are united by common ideas of affirming statehood, protecting Ukraine's national interests, and preserving historical justice. Today, each of us is a creator of Ukrainian statehood.

May the honour in our country live in the heart of every Ukrainian, and the spirit of national self-awareness be the driving force that leads us to a better future.

Happy Day of Ukrainian Statehood! We wish prosperity and happiness to every Ukrainian family. Together, we will defend our statehood, sovereignty, and independence!

Text: Margaryta Moroz
Photo: Viktoria Yakymenko
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