Europe Day: the University celebrates

9 may 2023 year

This year, for the first time, Ukrainians celebrate Europe Day together with the European Union and other countries on May 9.

The holiday was established to strengthen the unity of the peoples of Europe, celebrate the peace, security and stability achieved on the continent, and demonstrate commitment to the ideals and values of democracy. Since 2003, Ukrainians have celebrated this date on the third Saturday of May.

In the European Union, Europe Day is celebrated today because on May 9, 1950, the then French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman proposed a new form of organization of states in Europe. He aimed to create a mechanism to prevent wars so that they would be impossible.

In his declaration, Schuman also emphasized that economic cooperation would help raise living standards and would be the first step toward a united Europe. This union resulted in an expanding community that later became known as the European Union.

Under martial law, Ukrainians do not hold mass events because there is a danger of missile attacks and provocations from the occupiers. But we will definitely achieve our Victory and celebrate Europe Day in a peaceful, free and sovereign Ukraine!

Text: Margarita Moroz
Photo: Viktoriia Yakymenko
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