Letters of support from partners due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

  • Dear Mrs. Rector,

    We are full of anxiety and sadness because of the events taking place in Ukraine and want to express our sincere condolences to you as a partner university.

    We are deeply saddened and highly concerned about Russian troops invading Ukraine and dare not even to imagine what a difficult situation this must be. Please rest assured that our International Office is in close contact with all incoming exchange students from your institutions, those who are already in Klagenfurt and those who were supposed to arrive in the coming days. Should it be deemed of help from your point of view, we would also be more than willing to explore possibilities for granting additional scholarships for exchange students from your institution. If there is any other way to support you in this terrible situation, please do not hesitate to let us know.

    With my very best wishes,

    Oliver Vitouch, rector of University of Klagenfurt

  • Dear Partners, we would like to express our deepest sympathy concerning the attack on Ukraine.

    The University of Gdańsk strongly condemns the attack on our neighbour and the use of violence against it. We express our full solidarity with entire Ukraine and declare all possible assistance at this difficult time. We appeal to the government to take all possible measures to ensure the safety of people seeking international protection and trying to cross the border.

    The Senate of the University of Gdańsk unanimously supported the resolution — Declaration of solidarity with Ukraine. Please find the attachment of Resolution no. 7/22, also the statement by the academic community concerning Russia’s aggression against Ukraine from KRASP.

    At the same time, we are mobilising all possible assistance, including fundraising. At this difficult time, when we all struggle with various emotions, we would like to let you know that we provide free psychological support for all Ukrainian students and employees at the Academic Psychological Support Centre of the University of Gdańsk. More information.

    We have also set up an email inbox to contact our university for any support — ukraina@ug.edu.pl.

    Our academic community will further intensify and develop cooperation in all forms with our Ukrainian academic partners.

    Kind regards,

    Dominika Brulińska,

    Head of International Office, University of Gdańsk, Poland

  • Dear Ms. Rector,

    the University of Ostrava has already condemned Russia’s unprovoked aggression against Ukraine, expressed its solidarity with Ukraine and its people, and joined the statement of the Czech Rectors’ Conference on the war in Ukraine.

    However, we would also like to express our support and solidarity directly to you, as the statutory representative of our partner university. We want to assure you that despite the Russian aggression, our partnership continues. Friends must help each other and stand by each other in good times and bad times, and we are ready to do everything in our capacity to help you through these difficult times. The Ukrainian students who are currently studying at the University of Ostrava have become one of us and we can assure you that they will be well taken care of.

    We hope that all academics, administrative and technical staff, students and all your loved ones are safe and we believe that the brave Ukrainian people will successfully resist the Russian invasion.

    With Kind Regards,

    Jan Lata, rector of the University of Ostrava

  • Dear Professor Kaganovska,

    It was with the deepest sorrow that we learnt about the violent military conflict which began on the Ukrainian territory on 24 February 2022.

    Please find attached Solidarity Letter from Rector of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków and all our academic community.

    Sincerely yours,

    Adriana Hołub-Palonka

    Head of International Cooperation Section

  • Dear Friends,

    We would like to express our strong objection and deep concern over the invasion of your country. We would like to confirm our complete solidarity with you.

    At the same time, we guarantee that we will do whatever we can to fully maintain our cooperation. In the current circumstances, we would also like to assure you that we are ready to offer you any help required. Please keep us informed on an ongoing basis how we can be helpful to you. On our part, we will try to ensure that you continue participating in the European and global academic life.

    With solidarity,

    Ryszard Koziołek

    Rector of the University of Silesia

    • We strongly condemn the attack on Ukraine launched by the current Russian Government on 24 February 2022 and express our solidarity with the Ukrainian people. In this hour of brutal military attacks, our thoughts are with the people of Ukraine and all those who stand in defense of Ukrainian democracy.

      The Institute of Eastern European History of the University of Vienna has long been a center of interest in Ukrainian history and culture. Through studying the history of Ukraine in general and its individual regions, such as Galicia and Crimea, through educating generations of doctoral students and participating in international conferences, researchers of the Institute have studied Ukraine, its cultural environment and various historical interdependencies.

      We will do everything in our power to contribute to the protection of democratic, legal and European Ukraine through academic activities, research and work with the media.

      Staff of the Institute of Eastern European History, University of Vienna

    • Dear colleague,

      This is from the Baltic University Programme (BUP) co-ordinating secretariat in Uppsala, we turn to you as our BUP contact person representing your university. Our thoughts are with you and all of our colleagues and students impacted by this current horrible conflict. We have for over 30 years worked with the main goal to support regional co-operations in education and research in the Baltic Sea Region. In this troubled situation in Europe and the world we aim towards supporting you, our colleagues in the hard times that you are currently facing.

      The BUP is deeply concerned about the consequences of the conflict, and hope that peaceful means to end it may be found and that we can manage maintaining our cooperation within the BUP.

      If there is anything that we can do to support you, please do contact me.

      With wishes for peace,
      Love, Madeleine Granvik
      Madeleine Granvik, Ph. D. Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor in Food Planning,
      Director, The Baltic University Programme Dep. of Earth Sc. Research Program Natural Resources and Sustainable Development Uppsala University

    • Dear Dr Oleksandr,

      How are you doing there? I am very sorry to learn about what you are going through in Ukraine. I hope you and other KNU colleagues are not too much affected. We hope this current difficulty your country is facing will soon be over.

      All best wishes,

    • Dear colleages,

      Due to the current difficult situation in Ukraine, we just wanted to let you know that our thoughts are with you and your families, and that we are closely following what is happening in your country.

      With hope for better times,

      Ingrid Stoor and Ingrid Svensson

      Ingrid Svensson, PhD, Director, International Office Umeå universitet / Umeå University

      • Dear friends,

        News from Ukraine is a shock to us, which is accompanied by my pain from the fact that I personally misjudged the situation so far. Now Russia has started a war in central Europe, which will eventually lead to an even greater collapse of the Russian Empire. For the sake of our Ukrainian friends, I hope that all of you and your loved ones are safe, and that the number of unnecessary casualties and destruction will remain as low as possible. Let the struggle be waged in the fields where Ukraine surpasses its adversary - the power of ideas and the love of freedom. Ukraine will win this battle.

        The West is shocked and in these times is painfully aware that freedom has its price. But I am confident that the lesson will be learned and the West will take the necessary steps for the benefit of Ukraine and its people to show the world that Europe is ready to stand up for its values. It is clear to everyone that Ukraine's fate may affect other countries if the West does not react decisively now.

        We are with you!

        Achim, Wismar

    • Dear partners and colleagues,

      This is to inform you that the Management Board of TBU in Zlín is monitoring the development of the situation in Ukraine with concern. We fully support the independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine and we reject any form of violence.

      We are aware of the difficult situation which you have to deal with and we are ready to offer you help in the form of a scholarship programme intended for your students and academics.

      We stand by Ukraine.

      With best regards Lubomír Beníček
      Ph.D., Vice-Rector for Pedagogical Activities and Internacionalization Tomas Bata University in Zlin

    • My family and I are very sorry for what is happening in your country. We hope and everything is fine with you, your family and beloved ones.

      I wish that everything will be OK soon and I will have a chance to meet you in person.

      Mesut Çevik,
      Assistant Professor School of Engineering and Architecture / Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department

    • Dear friends,

      PUEB academic community is deeply concerned about the latest information regarding the attack of the Russian Federation troops on Ukraine territory. In view of these events, we would like to express our absolute solidarity with the Ukrainian people and our disapproval of the actions carried out by the Russian military in Ukraine.

      We assure you that the Poznań University of Economics and Business stands in unity with the Ukrainian people. We have started the collection of the most necessary goods - this action is coordinated by one of our Ukrainian students. We offer psychological help to the students in need. We are also preparing ways and means for our Ukrainian university friends to come to Poznan, work and live here. We are ready to accept teachers and students at PUEB. We assure you that as a University, we are ready to provide you with support and any help within our capabilities.

      If you could let us know what the situation at your University and in your city is we could try to organize the help that you most need.

      Full of concern for the gravity of this situation and the consequences of hostilities, our thoughts are with our Friends from Ukraine, especially with close to us Academic Communities of partner Universities.

      Yours faithfully,
      Elżbieta Gołata

    • We are contacting you to express our support in these difficult moments the Ukrainian people are going through. We hope that you and your loved ones are safe, and that the crisis will soon be resolved. Our thought and prayers are with you.

      Stella-Maria Vassiliou, Head of International Recruitment and Promotion Sector, International Relations Service

    • We stand in solidarity with all Ukrainian people and in unity with you as our valued academic partners. We're committed to cooperation with Ukrainian universities and we can reassure you that University of Szczecin will join initiatives that support academic institutions, their students and staff in the future.

      Authorities of the University of Szczecin and International Relations Department Team

    • Letter of support

      In the meanwhile, let me inform you on some recent developments: The Austrian Ministry of Education, Science and Research has announced a new scholarship program for Ukrainian students, I will let you know as soon as a call for applications has officially been opened. At the University of Salzburg, we have established an administrative staff work group for Ukraine support, information specifically for Ukrainian students as well as a contact form can be found under.Gauss Benjamin, Deputy Director, Department of International Relations

    • Together with the entire world, we are shocked by the news on the agression of Ukraine.

      We would like to express our support to you, your university, your colleagues, your friends and your families.

      We get in touch with your students currently present at the University of Paris-Saclay to provide them with all the support needed.

      We are with you and we will continue to collaborate with your excellent university.

      With my best regards Sylvie Retailleau, President of Paris-Saclay University

    • The DISIM, and through it the University of L'Aquila, has had deep and fruitful bilateral cooperation relations with Ukrainian universities for many years, in particular with Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Odessa National I.I. Mechnikov University, which are all members of the InterMaths Consortium for the award of a double degree, as well as with the Lviv Polytechnic National University.

      It is therefore with great apprehension that we are witnessing the intensification of armed manoeuvres on the borders and in the East of the country, not only because of the looming threats of a start of hostilities that would inevitably translate into a humanitarian tragedy.

      Therefore, in this meeting of the Academic Senate, which traditionally represents a place for dialectical confrontation, and defense of plurality and freedom in all its forms, and also an opportunity for diversity to meet, in a word the place for custody of the values of universality, we wish to firmly reiterate the importance of peace as an essential value of coexistence, tolerance and mutual understanding. We also ask for all military operations to be stopped immediately, and to restart a diplomatic path between the parties involved, in order to achieve a peaceful resolution of disputes.

      Finally, we hope that the Academic Senate of the University of L'Aquila, and through it the entire academic community of L'Aquila, will take up and spread this appeal for peace and solidarity between countries.

    • Rector, Prof. Edoardo Alesse, Vice Rector for International Affairs and coordinator of the InterMaths Consortium, Prof. Bruno Rubino, Head of the Department of Information Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics, Prof. Guido Proietti
    • Dear leadership, scientific and pedagogical community, teachers, methodologists and students of higher educational institutions of Ukraine!

      First of all, I want to express my concern about what is happening in Ukraine now. It is a great tragedy for us to see how our fraternal people are fighting for their freedom and the lives of their citizens.

      The management and academic senate of the Czech Technical University in Prague condemn the military aggression of the Russian Federation on the territory of the sovereign state of Ukraine. We deeply sympathize with the Ukrainian people in connection with the human sacrifices and express our full support and solidarity with Ukraine and declare our intention to help the Ukrainian people.

      The Czech Technical University in Prague is actively looking for ways to support its students and teachers (citizens of Ukraine) who are experiencing and suffering from the consequences of the aggression of the Russian Federation and military operations.

      We are also ready to provide the necessary support, using all resources for substantial assistance, to our partner universities from Ukraine. Please stay in touch and report all important events: ukrajina@cvut.cz.

      We appeal to all our colleagues who wish for freedom, democracy and peace, the CHTU team is with you! We will not leave you in trouble! We call on all universities of the Czech Republic to join and provide the necessary assistance for a united and independent Ukraine!

      Wishing peace and safety to your families, Vojtech Petraček, Rector of the Czech Technical University in Prague

    • We are deeply disturbed, depressed and shaken from the war crimes perpetrated by Russia on the innocent, peace-loving and respectful people of Ukraine. It is extremely condemned and decried. On behalf of our institution, we extend full support morally and institutionally to our partner/collaborating institutions and other organizations in Ukraine.

      On individual level, we have mobilized our peer networks to sign petitions, to boost the tempo of Ukrainian citizens, to condemn the aggressor and aggression, to assist directly the groups seeking help, and so on. We have written messages and letters to global institutions and key international organizations for pressurizing Russia to stop the war unconditionally.

      Having limitations of operating non-politically, we envisage a massive humanitarian crisis in Ukraine following the large-scale war against the people of this country. We also understand that along with the economy, infrastructure, social fabric, health facilities, basic amenities, food and water, and human living, the educational apparatus of Ukraine is going to crumble remarkably. In this row, schools, higher education institutions, universities and colleges will also be affected badly.

      At the moment, it is a priority and urgency to stop the war to escape further loss of lives, infrastructure, human sufferings and exodus of the people. Post-war, support of entire world shall be required to rebuild and rehabilitate the war-affected people, institutions, educational centres, and civil society.

      The world over, individuals and organizations must have to extend help to develop supporting networking. Envisaging such a need, The Grassroots Institute will create a “special platform” on ggN (Grassroots Global Network) specially for Ukraine where all our existing and potential partners/collaborators can park their appeals/requests.

      From this “special platform”, we will campaign intensively across the world to attract the attention of individuals, international organizations, governments, institutions, NGOs, donors, agencies and networks towards the appeals/requests of Ukrainian institutions/groups/organizations asking for support. We will try to activate this ‘special platform’ from 10 March 2022.

      All Ukrainian universities, institutes, colleges, NGOs, city/village councils, citizen groups, etc. will be invited soon to create and place their appeals/requests on this platform. 

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